








【现货供应】5361B/Hp5361B 20G频率计 深圳市鸿瑞科电子仪器有限公司 联系人; 罗河彬(先生)经理 电话:0755-29555176 手机:13826907086 QQ:646022850 MSN(邮箱):luohebin123@163.com 公司网址:www.hrk86.com 深圳市龙华民治金地梅陇镇1栋1单元13B 厂商:惠普 商品名称:频率计 商品型号:5361B HP 5361B频率计 5361B/HP5361B频率计20G Pulse/CW Microwave Counter offers both high-precision pulse and CW performance up to 40 GHz. With built-in frequency modulation profiling, the 5361B characterizes radar, EW, and communications systems or components. The counter makes complex measurements for the carrier frequency of agile signals, staggered PRIs, or the frequency transients in a pulsed or CW signal. It can be used to characterize radar pulses or test a Stable Local Oscillator (STALO). Functions for measuring step response, post-tuning drift, and settling time facilitate accurate and easy testing of VCOs and DTOs. The 5361B helps lower your equipment costs by eliminating the need for a separate CW counter, pulse generator and computer, and is a cost-effective choice for manufacturing and R&D. High-speed throughput saves operator time, and periodic maintenance is limited to time base calibration. Features: -Precise pulse measurements to 20, 26.5, or 40 GHz. -PROFILE function characterizes frequency transients, modulation (such as chirp), and linearity. -Simple-to-use automatic functions include calibration, pulse averaging, and measurement display. 鸿瑞科长期专业销售、租赁、维修、计量.回收高频二手仪器(示波器,频谱分析仪,网络分析仪,综合测试仪,信号源,电源,功率计,LCR电桥等电子仪器仪表!!!)如有需求,欢迎来电咨询!!联系热线:13826907086
“【现货供应】5361B/Hp5361B 20G频率计”信息由发布人自行提供,其真实性、合法性由发布人负责。交易汇款需谨慎,请注意调查核实。