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标准光源 东莞凯瑞斯自动化科技有限公司 http://www.csray.com 环形光源 Ring Lights 产品概述:环形光源具有照明中心区亮度高、无阴影等特点。可根据待检产品的检测特征选择不同的照射角度和颜色组合。 Right lights have the features of high intensity in the centre illumination area and no shadow. Different ring lights can be selected based on the illumination angel and colour according to the requirements of inspecting products. 应用领域:  IC元件检测 IC components inspection  显微镜照明 Microscope illumination  液晶校正 LCD correction  塑胶容器检测 Plastic containers inspection  集成电路印字检查 Integrated circuit printed characters inspection 非标定制说明:环形光源可按照角度,外径,内径,颜色,亮度,均匀性,安装孔位定制 Ring lights can be designed by angle, outer diameter, inner diameter, color, intensity, equality and instillation position. 条形光源 Bar Lights 产品概述:条形光源适用于大范围的方形结构被测物体的外观检测和尺寸测量,具有自由调整照射高度、照射面积和照射角度等特点。可根据检测要求自由组合不同颜色。 Bar lights are suitable for the visual inspection and dimension measurement of the objects with a wide range of square structure. Bar lights have the features of flexible adjustment of illumination height, illumination area, and illumination angle. Different bar lights are available for different requirements based on different colours. 应用领域:  金属表面检查 Metal surface inspection  图像扫描 Image scanning  表面裂缝检测 Surface crack inspection  LCD面板检测等 LCD panel inspection 非标定制说明:可按照颜色,亮度,长宽尺寸,LED灯排数,安装孔位定制 Bar lights can be customized by color, intensity, length, width, LED rows and instillation position. 四面可调光源 Bar Lights Unit 产品概述:四面可调光源是在被测物上方四边独立对称配置条形光,根据被检测物体的要求调整所需要的照明角度和亮度,以获得最佳的照明效果。与环形光源相比,更适合于具有不对称检测要求的环形和方形产品。 Bar lights unit is surrounded by four independent bar lights on each side above the objects, which can be adjusted according to the requirements of the detecting objects in line with the lighting angle and brightness to get the best illumination. Compared with ring lights, bar lights unit is more suitable for testing ring-s