The product is factory outlet, the price system is generated for reference only close to the price, does not represent the final sales price, because the factory production prices by the market raw materials, national environmental policy, and irresistible government policy, natural factors, CNCSK company has independent import and export qualification , All products can be exported to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, West Asia and North Africa, the Middle East and other global more than 160 countries. The price varies depending on the customer's location,we will order according to your needs to give you the best price, welcome to consult.
CNCSK can be customized according to customer needs different colors, so that customers with the industry can not match the advantages of the product, the company's products, enjoy life-long after-sales service policy, one year to provide free replacement parts, in mainland China Even if you buy a device, we can also provide on-site installation services and door-to-door service, as well as handling upstairs and other services, and within one year to enjoy free on-site maintenance services, enabling customers to order to maximize the purchase of equipment to save the link Cost, equipment, price, service is priceless, we hope that our products and services in your gym, personal, unit studio to provide you with the greatest value, please contact us.