欢迎您的光临!本店是工厂直营店,专业生产各类耳机、音箱等产品已经18年了,是集研发、设计、生产、销售于一体现代化企业、品质有保障,生产更专业。我司同时也为提供OEM/OEM业务合作。为国内电商客户提供1件代发业务。如若您是个人零售请到国内电商平台购买,谢谢支持,感谢您的光临!联系人:戴先生,联系手机:18620172798(微信同步) ,固定电话: 020-38894139 ,QQ:1834358068。
Dear merchants:
hello! Our are factory outlets, professional production of various kinds of headphones, speakers, and other products has been 18 years, is set research and development, design, production, sale in a body modern enterprise, the quality guaranteed, production more professional.We also provide OEM/OEM business cooperation.Provide 1 piece undertakes business for domestic electricity customers.If you are a person retail domestic electric business platform to purchase, please thank you for your support.Other you the presence!.Contact person: Mr Dai, contact phone: 18620172798 (WeChat synchronization), fixed telephone: 020-38894139, QQ: 1834358068.
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1、厂家货源保障 厂家一手货源,质量与价格有保障。
2、关于发货颜色 客户如需指定颜色请备注,无备注的将自动以好卖的颜色发出。
3、关于颜色 本店商品均为实物拍摄,颜色经专业校对,与实物平铺图最为接近,因电脑显 示器的色彩对比度和色温等都有存在不同差异。
4、关于客服 如您的咨询没能及时回复,可能是当时咨询量过大或是系统故障,可致电: 400-9025309
5、关于售后 我们将提供完整的售后服务,产品非人为损坏可旧换新。
6、关于发货 我们的产品都是买家付运费,主要以买家指定的物流为主。