








用途 ST-2型磨抛机是一种试样制样设备,主要适用于金相试样和岩相试样的研磨、磨光和抛光,供在显微镜下观察与测定试样的显微组织。 本机备有带旋塞的喷水管和排水管装置,可进行湿磨。并可配上PD-1型试样推移器进行半自动磨抛作业。 结构特征概述 磨抛机是以一台交流双速电动机通过三角皮带传动以获得所需要的二重不同转速。转动平稳,噪音低。 整机由机壳、底座、机械传动装置、抛光盘、抛光罩、操作面板以及进排水装置等基本部件所组成。 抛光织物通过O型橡胶圈牢固在抛光盘上,或采用带有自粘性抛光织物粘贴在抛光盘上。通过选择开关接通电源,使得跑光盘转速符合工作的需要,便可用手对试样施加压力,在转动的抛光盘上进行抛光。 本机还可配上PD-1型试样推移器进行半自动磨抛。 在停止使用时对为防止灰尘及其他杂物落在抛光织物上而影响使用效果,所以本机备有罩及盖。 Brief Description The grind-polisher is driven by a dual speed AC motor through V belt to obtain the required two different speed . The machine rotaes smoothly with noise. The machine is composed of housing, base mechanical trans mission device, polishing disk, polishing cover, operating panel as well as inlet and drainage device. The polishing cloth is fastened to the polishing disk through “O” rubber ring or by self-adhesive polishing cloth adhered to the polishing disk., Swith on power supply through selector switch to obtain the required speed of the polishing disk. Then apply pressure to the specimen by hand and perform polishing on the rotating polishing disk. The machine can be operated with PD-1 Push-Shifter for semi-automatic operation. The machine is provided with cover and lid to prevent dust and other imputrities form falling on the polishing cloth to impair the operation effect when machine is not in use. This machine equipped with sprinkler and drain piper for wet grinding. This machine can be used with PD-1 Push-shifter for semiautomatic operation of grinding and polishing. 技术参数 1.磨抛盘直径 Φ200mm 2.磨抛盘转速 具有三种变速规格可供用户选用 Three speeds to be selected by user 1000r/500min 800/400r/min 500/250r/min 3.电动机 0.37/0.25kw,三相3PH 380V ,50Hz 4.外形尺寸 360x590x560mm 5.净重 35kg PANER品牌经营的磨抛机有:台式双速磨抛机ST-2、台式无极变速磨抛机ST-W 、单盘立式无极变速磨抛机SV-W;、双盘四速磨抛机DT-4、双盘台式无极变速磨抛机 DT-W 、双盘柜式无极变速磨抛机DV-W;另外还有磨抛机、全自动磨抛机、半自动磨抛机、手持磨抛机、金相磨抛机、岩相磨抛机、试样磨抛机、磨平机等可以根据客户需要加工定做。