








高压电动调节阀|超高压调节阀|迷宫式高压调节阀|高压系统调节阀 关键词:高压电动调节阀,电动高压调节阀,超高压调节阀,高压力调节阀 概述:高压电动调节阀采用锻造阀体,采取多级迷宫式的阀芯结构,较高使用压力可达到80Mpa,4500Lb,用于火电的高压系统、矿井下的高压系统的电动调节阀,产品经过多次的改进,不继完善,具有新颖性和先进性。 High pressure electric control valve forged body, take the spool of multi-level labyrinth structure, the maximum pressure can reach 80Mpa 4500Lb high-pressure system for thermal power, the electric control valve of the high-pressure system in the mine, the product has been repeatedlyimprovements, not following the perfect novel and advanced 高压电动调节阀特征Structure 1、本系列产品采用完合拆装式结构,操作力距小,阀腔内件(包括阀座、 阀芯、节流组件、密封件等)均可从并阀腔取出,维护保养十分方便,阀体不需从管道上割下,可长期使用。 This series of products together with complete disassembly structure, operation torque is small, the valve chamber pieces (including the seat, Valve, throttle assemblies, seals, etc.) can be removed from the chamber and the valve, maintenance is very convenient, valve body do not have to be cut from the pipeline,can be long-term use 2、阀芯为柱塞体平衡式结构,操作力距小,调节灵敏高。 Spool is balanced plunger body structure, operating torque, the adjustment of high sensitivity. 3、节流组件由多孔板集流式节流环与套筒式节流套组成,且配以均流罩, 因此具有小流量高压差无气蚀、大流量、调节性能好,流体排出梳流无噪音的综合特性,完全满足了高压差等苛刻工况的要求,有效地实现了高温、高压差流体的流量调节控制,可调性好,调节精度高。 Throttling component from the porous flow restrictor plate set ring set with integral throttle sleeve, and supported by both flow hood, therefore, no pressure differential with low flow cavitation, the flow, regulated performance, drain fluid flow without noise comb, fully meet the harsh conditions of high pressure and poor requirements, effective implementation of the high temperature and pressure differential control of fluid flow control, adjustable, good regulation and high precision. 4、节流环可在阀门工作行程的55%之内,实现多级减压节流 Cutting ring can be achieved in multi-stage vacuum throttle valve work within 55% of stroke. 5、阀芯和阀座密封面堆焊司钛莱硬质合金,抗冲刷、耐蚀。 Core and valve seat sealing surface is welded titanium Levin Secretary carbide, anti-erosion and corrosion resistance. 欢迎您来电来邮咨询 如果您有需要咨询更详细的产品信息, 欢迎联系授权代理商:深圳名阀进出口贸易有限公司