我厂是一家致力于新能源技术、节能环保产品开发研制和生产服务的民营制企业。产品包括:40,60,80,100, 120等各种型号采暖炉、多用采暖炉、环保锅炉、太阳能热水器、各种炉具配件我厂拥有雄厚的技术力量,丰富的生 产经验和严格的质量标准。成立以来,始终坚持“以人为本,以科技为先导”的经营理念,不断采用新技术,研发 新产品。 “诚信是做人之根本,是铸就品牌之基石”我厂生产的普阳系列采暖炉是多年来技术和经验积累的结晶,是全体员工 不懈努力的结果。我厂向广大消费者,将投入更大的力量,通过严格的质量检验和认真的服务态度,不断向市 场推出更多更好的新型采暖设备,满足广大消费者的需求。 公司将以雄厚的实力、先进的理念、科学的管理、的服务,热诚欢迎中、外各界朋友来公司考察洽谈业务。 我厂可根据客户要求订制,组织的人员进行设计制做。 轮齿式水套和S型吸热翅片巧妙组合,受热面积大,热效率高。根据煤种不同,部分炉具配有不同结构的下排渣装置 。操作简单,使用方便、安全、卫生。普阳采暖设备厂是从事生产采暖炉、地暖专用锅炉、民用水暖炉的企业 ,销售网络遍及全国20多个省市,较好的产品质量,较好的工作态度,较好的员工素质和较好的售前、售中、售后 服务是“普阳牌”产品深受广大用户青睐之所在;产品在制造过程中,用户可到厂进行实际的质量检查,对部件进 行跟踪检验;我厂售后服务人员会对客户所购产品进行回访,与炉工共同进行维护保养,指导客户使用了解设 备的运行情况。厂方免费培训操作人员及技术服务。 我厂将以雄厚的实力、先进的理念、科学的管理、的 服务,热诚欢迎中、外各界朋友来公司考察洽谈业务。现诚招全国各地代理商,共享“普阳”品牌带来丰厚市场回 报,欢迎各界有志之士 本产品吸取国内外先进技术,结合我国煤种和燃烧习惯,我公司新成功研制的环保产品。火力猛、功率大、热效 率高,煤种,广泛使用于高寒地区使用。 200-24000平方米。 阳光环保锅炉 1、造型美观大方、高贵典雅、环保认证; 2、一天加煤一次火焰持续不断,省时、省力、卫生洁净。 3、适用二类烟煤、环保不冒烟,使用成本低; 4、结构独特,大功率采暖,适应不同地区用户需求。 阳光炉业六大优势:1、多层燃烧,节能,爽心。 2、自动清灰,安全环保,顺心。 3、采暖做饭,便利快捷,省心。 4、工艺精湛,外观豪华,舒心。 5、制暖,效率强劲,温心。
郓城县采暖设备厂 0530-6150990 13455885839 Sunlight electric heater is after years of study, after many trials, spontaneously developed a novel, efficient, time-saving, labor-saving real power,, suitable for old people to use electric heater. Uniform heat dissipation, fast heating, high heat efficiency, three minute surface of up to 90-120C, has a strong cooling effect, and market similar products ceramic type, hot chip, quartz type, oil heater electric heater, saving up to 2/ 3 of the above. Product characteristics: 1fast heating : electric heat, three minute surface reaches the rated temperature. Uniform radiation: This product is used in the flour shaped heating body, heat evenly, and can generate strong convection and heat conduction. 2energy efficiency : This product is used in high-tech carbon crystal as a conductor, electric conversion frequency reached more than 98%, less energy loss, high efficiency. 3: the safe and reliable products in strict accordance with the national standards for manufacturing, safe and reliable, and no noise and other pollution. 4easy to use: This product is of thin thickness, light weight, convenient and flexible installation and moving extremely. 5long life : This product is tested by aging and using results, life of not less than 100000hours. Not broken, not out of line, no oxidation, heating and heat can be good. 6economic: high efficiency, than the metal wire heating somite electricity above 60%, energy saving. Convenient residential property management, daily maintenance cost,. May the lifelong free maintenance, maintenance cost saving. Scope of application: The product is applicable to families, hotels, hotel, residential quarters, farms, the baby room, workshop, office building, hospital, long oil station, such as heating, can also be applied to industrial insulation, temperature, drying and flower Pit Heating, propagation of flourishing, microbial enzyme fermentation and other heating. Matters needing attention: 1 prohibited covering clothes, cotton-padded clothes 2preventing water, oil and other liquid, so as to avoid leakage. 3old, infants do not close, prevent scald. 4long time when not in use, please switch off the power. Product features: In the comfort of electricity that is hot, fast temperature rise,13minutes up to working temperature. Without the use of electromagnetic interference and pollution, no dust, no noise. XXX is safe and reliable, long life products parts and engine are the strict screening, aging and testing the dielectric strength more than the standard2000V, the carbon fiber heating body with high temperature and high pressure compound and into, this product is light weight, no pollution, solid structure, the service life of not less than 100000hours. High efficiency and energy saving, high heat exchange efficiency, heating filament carbon fiber body of the electric heating conversion rate of 98% or more, than the metal wire heating body can save more than 40%, power-saving festival. Service life of up to 30 years. Convenient residential property management, daily maintenance cost,. May the lifelong free maintenance, maintenance cost saving. In physical therapy and health care use process can generate far infrared ray. Far infrared ray by modern medical industry known as the
联系人: 侯佰清
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