- 产品信息
- 产地: 山东邹平县明集经济开发区
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山东邹平天宇厨房设备厂是一家从事厨房开发、工程设计、制造、销售、及安装的现代化企业。公司主要经营产品系列有:大型蒸房、 电蒸饭箱、燃气蒸饭柜、智能蒸饭车、和面机、压面机、馒头机等馒头房设备;碗柜、餐具柜、餐台(餐棹椅)系列、工作台(柜)设备、仓储存(货)架设备、厨房抽油烟排废气系列、电磁炉具、中式炉具等。 公司秉承“诚信为本,质量”的宗旨。精心设计,精细制造;以优良的品质和完美的售后服务,不断获得客户的支持和信赖。
SHANDDONGZOUPINGTIANYUCHUFANGSHEBEIcooking utensils co., LTD is a professional engaged in kitchen equipment development, design, manufacturing, sales, and installation of the modern enterprise. Company main products series are: dining tables (eat vivit chair) series, workbench (ark) equipment, cleaning and disinfection equipment, storage equipment, factory storage (goods) equipment series, kitchen smoke lampblack exhausting emissions, energy conservation and environmental protection equipment Chinese stoves, induction cooker, hot water, etc. Companies adhering to the