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WEISH威旭软膜天花 WEISH SOFT MEMBRANE CEILING 软膜:采用特殊聚氯乙烯材料制成,不含镉,其防火级别为M1,通过一次或多次切割成形,并用高频焊接完成,它是要按照在实地测量出的天花的现状及尺寸在工厂里生产制作。 Soft membrane: Made from PVC, absolutely free of cadmium; M1 fireproof rating; shaped after one or more cuttings and finished by high frequency welding; pre-made in the factory in accordance with shape and size obtained by field measuring. 化学性质:属于聚氯乙烯材料。 Chemical character: PVC material. 对于火的反应:阻燃,在国际均属M1级别,且在中国已通过全球性防火测试。 Reaction to fire: M1 fire-retardant grade by international standard: pass national level fire testing. 尺寸的稳定性:-15℃至45℃ Stability of size: -15℃~45℃ 应用范围 Applications ●行政办公楼 ●工业场所 ●医院 Administration building, Industrial site, Hospital ●体育设施:体育馆、游泳池 Sports facilities: Gym, swimming pool ●宾馆、饭店 ●公共场所、饮食场所、机场商场 Hotel, restaurant, Public places: Food and beverage place, airports, mall ●学校、食堂、幼儿园公寓套间 School, mess hall, kindergarten, apartment, suite ●私人居所 ●电脑室 Private residence, Computer room 天花特性Characteristics of the ceiling 其尺寸特性及重量 软膜的厚度 软膜外观(哑光、缎光、光面/金属光面) 软膜外观皮面 Finish of membrane ( matt, satin, glossy/metallic glossy) Finish thickness Thickness of the membrane 约180克/平方米 约320克/平方米 Size and weight ca.180g/㎡ ca.320g/㎡ 重量 15至18/百分之一毫米(微米) 30至50/百分之一毫米(微米) weight 15~18/0.01mm (µm) 30~50/0.01mm(µm) 耐湿性能 Moisture proof 对于温度 <65%HR=0.030g/hm2 mmHg <65%HR=0.030g/hm2 mmHg 水蒸气渗透度permeability For temperature <65%HR=0.030g/hm2 mmHg <65%HR=0.030g/hm2 mmHg 热性能 热延续参数:0.16X卡/m H℃ Heat extension parameter:0.16X card/m H℃ Thermal performance 带3cm空气空间的K热参数+4.5cm的比例纤维分隔热层=0.785 Heat K parameter with 3cm air space +4.5cm proportional fiber insulation layer =0.785 机械性能Mechanical performance 性能 无纵向 无横向 Performance Without vertical direction Without horizontal direction 断裂强度 196.50kg/cm2 220.8kg/cm2 Fracture strength 断裂延伸 213% 309% Elongation at rupture 抗拉强度与斩裂延伸 R=160dN-A170% R=200dN-A255% Strength of extension and elongation at rupture 改善声学条件 声学中125-250-500-1000-2000赫兹反射以1.5秒减至0.7秒,这是威旭的声学特点 Improving acoustics conditions Sound reflection of 125-250-500-1000-2000Hz is reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. That is the acoustic characteristic of WEISH Ceiling 环保 软膜及边角位包装物都可以回收:无溶解挥发;其制造及安装应用均使用较少的能源;防静电;重量轻(180/㎡)长期稳定;威旭天花产品使用十年;威旭天花产品已有多年历史 Environmental protection The membranes and accessories are recyclable: they do not resolve or volatize: less energy is needed during their production, installation and use; anti-static light weight(180/㎡):Stable for a long period: WEISH Ceilings have life time more than 10 years. WEISH Ceilings have been in production and use for years. WEISH威旭艺术品 WEISH artworks WEISH威旭软膜天花的特质在此艺术品展露无遗,WEISH威旭天花不仅仅运用于屋顶装饰,由于其很强的可塑性,更能完美体现设计师个性风格的艺术作品,并充分表达设计师的构想。 The characteristics of WEISH soft membrane Ceiling are fully demonstrated in this artwork, WEISH Ceiling can not only be used for roof decoration, but thanks to its plasticity, it can also be applied to those artworks that are full of personal style of the designer to realize his designer perfectly 防火功能 Fireproofing WEISH威旭软膜天花已经符合多个国家的防火标志。英国BSSTANDAD476 PART7 CLASS,美国ASTM.欧洲M1以及国标CODENO:2000:1132.其中国内的防火标准为B1级。 WEISH soft membrane Ceiling is in compliance with the fire protection standards of many countries, such as BS Standard 476 of Britain, ASTM of the United States and M1 of Europe. The ceiling’s fire-retardant grade is B1by China’s standard. 大型超市 Large supermarket WEISH威旭软膜天花强大的造型功能,令设计者发挥无限想象空间,在大型超市的设计理念里,融入了几何与不规则的设计构想,无论是灯光还是造型使超市的环境充满变化和温暖。适用于超市及饮食场所。 WEISH soft membrane Ceiling’s extraordinary plasticity allows the designer to fess his imagination and incorporate geometric and irregular shapes into the design; the lighting and the shape give the supermarket a feel of warm and changing environment. Suitable for supermarkets and places of food and beverage. 节能功能 Energy saving WEISH威旭软膜天花本质是用PVC材料做成,能大大提高绝缘功能,更能大量减低室内温度流失,尤其是经常需要开启空调的地方。原理同潜水员穿着潜水服来延迟体温流失于海水是一样的。 Made from PVC material, WEISH soft membrane Ceiling offers better insulation, which can reduce greatly the loss of interior temperature, especially for places where air-conditioning is frequently required. It works just the same way that diving suit delays the body temperature of a diver from losing in seawater 防菌功能 Anti-bacterium WEISH威旭软膜天花在生产过程中添加了BIO-PRUF,经此特别处理后的材料能够抵抗及防止微生物(如一般发霉菌)生长于物体表明上,可以有效抑制金黄葡萄球,肺炎杆菌等多种致病菌,尤其适合于医院、学校、游泳池、婴儿房、卫生间及浴室等场所的使用。 BIO-PRUF is added during the manufacturing process of WEISH soft membrane Ceiling. Materials after such a special treatment can prevent microbes (e.g. mycete) from growing on their surface. They can also restrain many pathogenic bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus and pneumonia bacillus etc. They are especially suitable for hospitals, schools, swimming pools, bay rooms and toilet etc. 游泳场馆 Swimming pool WEISH威旭软膜天花有良好的弹性,不怕足球、篮球、手球;可有效改善声学条件;使环境更清晰、舒适。是游泳池等体育场所的最佳选择。 WEISH soft membrane Ceiling has good flexibility to resist impact from football, basketball and handball. It can improve acoustics conditions and make the environment clear and comfortable. It the best choice for sports sites like swimming pools. 强大的防水和承重功能 Powerful waterproofing and weight bearing abilities ●WEISH威旭软膜天花为聚氯乙烯材料制成,故防水、防潮、防尘。 WEISH soft membrane Ceiling is made from PVC, which makes it water-proof, moisture-proof and dust-proof. ●WEISH威旭软膜天花表面经过防霉处理和抗雾化处理,不会以为潮湿而发霉,有水汽时天花不会结水露,水密性好不漏水。由于其良好的机械性能使天花能减缓外力冲击,承载100公斤以上的重量。 The surface of WEISH soft membrane Ceiling undergoes mildew proofing and anti-misting treatments, therefore, it will not get moldy because of moisture nor will dews form on it when there is steam. Its good water tightness makes it leak free. Good mechanical performance enables the ceiling to cushion exterior impact and bear a weight as much as 100kg. ●WEISH威旭软膜天花的安装经实地精心测量,裁减后经高频焊接制作后整块安装,周边均匀受力,边角收口密封,无须进行后期表面再处理,故无脱色脱落等问题。 After careful field measuring, the ceiling materials are cut and connected by high frequency welding, and then installed as a whole. Verges of the ceiling receive equal pressure and corners are well sealed. There is no need to make post treatment to the surface, therefore, no discoloring or peeling off will occur. ●WEISH威旭软膜天花的透光膜能有机地同各种灯光系统(如霓虹灯、荧光灯)结合展现完美的室内装饰效果,同时摒弃了玻璃或有机玻璃的笨重,危险以及小块饼状的缺点,以逐步成为新的装饰亮点。 Translucid membrane of WEISH soft membrane Ceiling be combined with various lighting systems (neon light, fluorescent light for example) to display the perfect effect of interior decoration, while at the same time discard the bulkiness, danger and patchwork of glass or Lucite. Now it is emerging as a new highlight in decoration. 贵宾会议厅 VIP meeting room 透光软膜用于会议厅、其造型优美,变化丰富,造型独特再配上不同时间的灯光效果,使场景生色增辉,营造出更温馨的环境。 Translucid membrane can be applied to meeting rooms. Its beautiful and unique shape, abundant variations, together with lighting effects in different time, can make brilliant scenes and produce warm and comfortable environment. 理想的声学效果 Ideal acoustics effect 经过有关专业院校的相关检测,证明本材料能有效改进室内音色效果。对中、低频音有良好的 吸引效果。冲孔面对高频音有良好的吸引效果。其中的几种材质有效隔音,是理想的隔音装饰材料。非常适合音乐厅、会议室、学校的应用。 According to tests conducted by colleges and universities in related field, it is proved that this kind of material has pretty good ability in improving the sound effect in a room. It has good sound absorption effect to medium and low frequency sound. The surface that wears holes is good to absorb high frequency sound. Several materials can insulate sound effectively, which makes them ideal materials for sound insulation. They are very suitable for music halls, meeting rooms and schools. 公共场所 Public places 幽雅的曲线造型与面的完美结合,让空间造型更生动、活跃、广阔舒展,亦只有独特的心思,才构建出如此效果. The perfect combination of elegant curve shape and surface makes the space more lively, active and spacious. It is such an effect that only a unique mind can produce. 办公场所 Offices 摒弃琐碎的定试,去繁从简,简练的设计,使灯光柔和简洁,使办公场所的空间在视野范围内延展得更开阔、并能节省能源。 Petty formats are discarded, and complexity is replaced by simplicity. The simple design produces Soft and simple lighting, makes a deeper vista in office space and save energy as well. 展览场馆 Exhibition hall WEISH威旭软膜天花产品在展示展览方面给设计师提供了更大的发挥空间、产品美观大方、最大的发挥出展览的效果。展示效果明显,颜色多种多样,安装方便并可多次重复使用,节约经济成本。 WEISH soft membrane Ceiling offer designers much room to exercise their talent in making designs for display and exhibition. Beautiful, colorful and in good taste, WEISH Ceiling can bring out the uttermost displaying effect.. They are easy to install and can be used repeatedly, which makes them very economic. 无限的创造性 Infinite creativity 因为WEISH威旭软膜天花是一种软性材料,是根据龙骨的形状来确定它的形状。所以造型比较随意、多样。让设计师更具创造性。 WEISH soft membrane Ceiling is a kind of stretch ceiling whose shape is determined by the shape of the keel, therefore, various shapes of ceiling can be formed and it makes designers more creative. 方便安装 Easy installation 可直接安装在墙壁、木方、钢结构、石膏间墙和木间墙上,适合各种建筑结构。并且威旭龙骨只需要螺丝钉按一定距离均匀固定即可。安装十分方便。在整个安装过程中,不会有溶剂发挥,不落尘、不会对室内的其他设施产生影响,甚至可以在以后的生产和生活中进行安装。 WEISH Ceiling can be install directly onto walls, woods, steel frame, plaster and wooden walls, ad is suitable for all kinds of building structure. It is very easy to install the ceiling, just use screws at spots with even distance along the keel to fixate it. During the whole installation, no vocalization of solvent, no falling dust, and no influence to other facilities in the room; it is also possible that the ceiling be installed while normal production and living are in process. 餐厅设计 Restaurant design WEISH威旭软膜天花产品光洁度高,能防静电,达到防油烟的目的,易清洁有效防止细菌滋生。 The high finishing makes WEISH soft membrane Ceiling antistatic, oil and soot resistant, easy to clean and capable of restrain growth of bacteria. 优异的抗老性能 Excellent anti-aging capacity WEISH威旭专用龙骨分为PVC和铝合金两种材质,威旭软膜的主要构造成分PVC,威旭扣边也是由PVC以几种特殊添加剂制成,不会生产裂缝,绝对不会脱色或小片脱落。所有威旭软膜天花的寿命都可达十年之久。 WEISH Ceiling has two kinds of special keel. PVC keel and aluminum keel. The main component of WEISH membrane is PVC, and the strip buckles are also made from PVC with some special additives, Therefore WEISH Ceiling will not have crack problem and is absolutely free from discoloring or peeling. All WEISH soft membrane Ceilings have a life time more than 10 years. 卧式设计 Bedroom design 现代家居装饰越来越看重材料的环保和易装性,威旭软膜天花无论从墙身到吊顶部都可以最大程度满足不同的造型设计和要求,适用于任何家居装饰,绝不会有天花灰尘掉下的忧患。 The environmental protection and easy installation of decoration materials are receiving more and more attention nowadays. WEISH soft membrane Ceiling can satisfy requirements of various shape and design be it installed on wall or on ceiling. It is suitable for any kind of home decoration and there will never be such problem as dust falling off the ceiling. 安全环保 Bedroom design WEISH威旭软膜天花在环保方面有突出的优势,它完全符合欧洲及国内各项检测标准。威旭软膜全部由环保性原料制成,不含镉,乙醇等有害物质。可100%回收,在制造、运输、安装、使用、回收过程中,不会对环境产生任何影响,完全符合当今社会的环保主题。 WEISH soft membrane Ceiling enjoys obvious advantage when it comes to environmental protection. It is in complete compliance with all testing standards both of Europe and China. WEISH Ceiling is entirely made from environmental friendly materials, is free of cadmium, ethanol and other toxic materials. Products of WEISH Ceiling can be totally recycled, and no harm will be done to the environment during its production, transportation, installation, use and recycle. It is perfect match wish the current theme of environmental protection. WEISH威旭软膜天花用于浴室,可以使水汽不凝结在天花顶面,防静电,并有很好的防潮、防霉、防菌效果,易清洁。 WEISH soft membrane Ceiling can be used in bathroom, and it can prevent steam from condensing on its surface, it is antistatic, has good effect of moisture-proofing, mildew proofing and germ prevention, and is easy to clean. WEISH威旭颜色 Colors of WEISH “威旭天花“包括反光,哑光、掠皮面、金属面、透光、孔状等多种材料,超过100种颜色,可造各种立体和扭曲造型。 WEISH soft membrane Ceiling can be made of materials of various finishes, such as reflective, matt, rugged, metallic, translucid, and holey finish, with over 100 colors. The ceiling can be made into cubic or contorted shapes. 软膜分为以下六种类型: There are six types of embrane. 1:光 面,有很强的光感,能产生类似镜面的反射效果. Glossy finish membrane: shiny and can produce reflective effect similar to a mirror. 2:透光膜,本色是乳白色,半透明.在封闭的空间内透光率为75%,能产生完美,独特的光装饰效果. Translucid finish membrane: It is milky white, semi-transparent. With 75% light transmittance in enclosed space, it can produce the perfect, unique equi-brightness effect of decoration . 3:缎光面,光感仅次于光面,整体效果纯洁,高尚,高档. Satin finish membrane: Its shininess is second only to the glossy typ. Its overall effect is pure and high class. 4:掠皮面,表面是绒毛状,整体效果高档,华丽,有优异的吸音性能,可以营造温馨的室内效果。 Rugged finish membrane: with its fur-like surface, high class and gracious overall effect, and par excellence sound absorption capability, it can help to achieve a warm in-door effect. 5:金属面,具有强烈的金属质感,并能产生金属光感,有很美的观赏效果。 Metallic finish membrane: with rich metallic texture and luster, capable of creating excellent view. 6:基本膜,是软膜中早期材料类型,整体效果雅致。 Basic membrane: it is an early product with elegant overall effect.