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不燃轻质板 不燃轻质板属于新型节能环保绿色装饰建材,经过长期,大量的市场应用,不燃轻质板因其既具硬度,更具韧性的特点不仅可广泛应用于中建筑的吊顶、隔墙(弧度墙)、圆(方)柱包敷、钢柱(梁)防火包敷、防火门内衬,重大长房的防火墙、幕墙内衬、大型风管、电缆桥架等,2002年起被逐步应用在建筑中的精装潢、艺术装饰、办公家具、卫生间隔断,办公隔断等,市场应用领域还在不断的扩大。 Non-combustible Lightweight Board belongs to modem energy saving green building materials for decoration. Through a long term application in bulk, Non-combustible Lightweight Board is not only used widely for the suspended ceiling, partition wall (are wall), round (quadrate) column wrap, steel column (girder) anti-fire wrap and interior liner of fire proof door of middle-top grade buildings, the fireproof wall, interior liner of curtain wall, large-sized air conduit and cable bridge frame of important workshops and so on, but also used gradually for fine decoration, art decoration, office furniture, toilet partition, office partition etc of buildings, Furthermore, its market application area is being expanded continuously. 实践证明:“不燃轻质板”是一个深受设计师、工程施工单位和用户青睬的防火、防潮、高强、隔声、环保的理想建材,可与国外同类材料媲美,是国内同类材料中的中品牌产品。 Practice has proved that “ Non-combustible Lightweight Board” is a sort of ideal building material with the features of fire proof, moisture proof, high strength, sound reduction and environmental protection that is deeply favored by designers, project construction units and consumers, Non-combustible Lightweight Board can match with the overseas materials of the same types and it is a sort of middle-top grade product among the domestic materials of the same types. 经上海科技情报水平检索:不燃轻质板的总体技术已达到国际先进水平。 According to the information retrieval by Shanghai science
“不燃轻质板BDWT-12-2400×1200×10 A板”信息由发布人自行提供,其真实性、合法性由发布人负责。交易汇款需谨慎,请注意调查核实。