








SA系列 105℃ 特点 ◆适用一高温度及信赖性较高之消费性产品。 ◆高温度及信赖性较高之一般工业用产品 。 SA Series 105℃ Fearures ◆ Used in Standard size for popular circuit,etc。 ◆ Available in taping configuration for automatic insertion。 技术要求 Specifications 项目ltem 特性Performance Characteristics 使用温度范围 Operating Temperature Range -40to 105℃ -25to 105℃ 额定电压范围 Rated Voltage Range 6.3to100VDC 160to450VDC 电容量范围 Capacitance Range 0.1to4700μF 0.47to220μF 电容量允差 Capacitance Tolerance 20%(100Hz or 120Hz, 20℃) 漏电流Leakage Current ( 20℃,较大max) I≤0.03CV或4(μA)额定工作电压充电3分钟后读数,取大者 I≤0.01CV or 3(μA)After3minutes,whichever is greater measured with rated working voltage applied I≤0.03CV 10(μA)额定工作电压充电3分钟后读数, 取大者 I≤0.03CV 10(μA)After 3minutes,whichever is greater measured with rated working voltage applied 损耗角正切值 Dissipation Factor (tgδ) 工作电压WorkingVoltabe(VDC) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160 200 250 350 400 450 D.F(%)较大 28 24 20 16 14 12 10 10 20 20 20 25 25 25 容量>1000μF时 ,每增加1000μF D.F值增加2%( 100Hz or 120Hz, 20℃) For capacitance1000μF,Add 2%per another 1000μF (100Hz or 120Hz, 20℃) 低温特性 Low Temperature Characteristics (120Hz) 阻抗比,较大 max Impedance ratio at 120HZ to the 20℃ value 工作电压Working Voltage(VDC) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160 200 250 350 400 450 D.F(%)较大 28 24 20 16 14 12 10 10 20 20 20 25 25 25 高温负荷寿命Load Life After 1,000 hours application of rated voltage at 105℃,capacitors meet the characteristics Meet the characteristics requirements mentioned below 环境温度: 105℃ Ambient timperature: 105℃ 施加电压:额定工作电压(VDC) Applied voltage: Rated Working Voltage(DVC) 试验后要求:室温下恢复16小时, 20℃测试 After test requirements: Resumde 16 hours at normal temperature 电容量变化:≤25%规定值 Capacitance change:≤25% of the initial measured value 损耗角正切值:≤200%初始值 Dissipation Factor:≤200% of the initial specified value 漏电流:≤规定值 Leakage Current:≤The initial specified value 高温无负荷寿命Shelt Life 试验条件 Test conditions 持续时间:500小时 Duration time: 500hours 环境温度: 105℃ Ambient temperature: 105℃ 施加电压:无 Applied voltage: None
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