网面均匀平整,网目准确,能承受高张力,丝网印刷工艺中下墨性好。涤纶材质,无毒无臭,抗皱性强,弹性好,拉力下尺寸稳定,不易变形,耐日光,耐摩擦。存放不霉不蛀,有良好的电绝缘性,耐化学试剂性能良好,耐弱酸碱,室温下可耐稀强酸With smooth surface evenly, mesh and accurate, and can withstand the high tension, screen printing ink process middle well. Polyester material, non-toxic, odourless, wrinkle resistance is strong, good elasticity, pull the size stability, not easy deformation, light resistance, resistance to friction. Deposit not bad not decayed, good electrical insulation, good chemical resistance, weak acid and alkali resistant, resistant to dilute acid at room temperature