








美国Cobatco雪糕皮机MD10SSE 品牌:Cobatco 型号:MD10SSE 产地:美国 规格:254*457*330(mm) 模具:带凹槽细纹模 电压:240V/50HZ 功率:1200W 净重:14KG 132-6824-3458 ww.icemaker.net.cn 华夫.Waffle的制作: 材料:松饼粉、水、鸡蛋、果酱,一些牛奶 作法:  松饼粉1kg加水或牛奶500g及鸡蛋500g。  1.用少许的冷开水将松饼粉放入强力调理机或果汁机打匀,也可以手工放入食品盆里用筷子打匀,然後倒入其余所有材料继续打匀;  2.松饼机预热2分钟,放点牛油,再取大约1/2杯浆料倒入预热好之松饼机铁盘上,铺满整个松饼机  3.盖上机器烤2分钟,等到没有蒸气冒出即可起锅,享受美味的松饼了  4.将松饼机打开把已做好的松饼摆放于盘中,再淋少许果酱即可 秘诀:  1.打面糊时,若您使用的果汁机容量较小,可先将水减量,等全部打好再加入拌匀  2.烤松饼时,切勿一直打开松饼机观察烤烘状况,因为面糊若尚未凝固,容易破裂  3.吃松饼时可淋上蜂蜜或果酱,也可涂杏仁酱夹新鲜水果一起吃。趁热食用风味较佳;隔夜食用,可用烤面包机或小烤箱烤过 Features: Pre-set thermostat for consistent baking Built in timer Heavy duty stainless steel construction Cast aluminum cooking grids permanently coated with an easy-clean surface Three-foot heavy duty cord with grounded plug Extended service warranty Customized logo baking grid available (special order) Specs: 120/208/230 Volts 1200 Watts 30 lbs shipping weight 8 1/4" diameter cooking surface Height 11" (closed) 24" (open) Width 10 1/4" Depth 19" The irresistible vanilla aroma of fresh-baked waffle cones is a strong traffic builder for your frozen dessert operation. Suitable for hand-dipped or soft-serve ice cream, frozen yogurt, custard, or gelato, the delicious waffle cones made on your COBATCO waffle cone baker are your key to increased sales and profits. Waffle cones are just the beginning. You can shape the fresh, warm waffle into edible dishes, baskets, or a variety of unique specialty dessert items. Batter Mix: Milled complete! All you add is water. Available in 50-lb bulk or 30-bl case, packed in six 5-lb bags. Flavors: "Olde Time" Vanilla Waffle Cone or "Olde Time" Choc-a-lot Waffle Cone.